she said no to the shared calendar and shared email address for ramona. ramona still has no health insurance, but ramona is starting karate lessons this week. i realize that she is six years old and they're probably not going to be all HAAIII YAAAAA for a while, but this kid can stub her toe standing still. she's accident prone. but aren't they all at this age?
i was sitting in the living room on friday. ramona was sitting in a chair to the side of me. she says "i have a project and i have to find out what all my family members like. so, eeelonda, since you're family, what do you like?" and my heart broke a little. i said "i like pizza." she responded, "i can't put a PIZZA in a BOOK, eelonda." so i said, "i like books". which was a good response because she said "okay! i can put a book in a book!"
she ran to me when she saw me in the kitchen. "EELONNDAAA!" and i hugged her and asked her how first grade was. the kid's cute. she makes sure i'm there at bedtime for story time. and the three of us crawl into bed and then the two of us fall asleep to her dad reading.
ladies, help me out here. should i talk to karen and tell her we're on the same page? that i have ramona's best interests at heart? just get karen drunk?
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If the woman just isn't warming up, then I'd say let her live her life in whatever misery she's created. As long as you have an open attitude I think that is what matters. Besides, it's about building your relationship with you and Ramona, right?
Oh, and if you do the "drunk" don't do tequila straight. :p he he.
I don't think it would hurt to try. She has to be somewhat receptive considering that she was willing to play Monopoly.
If she does reject you, at least you'll know that you put forth an honest effort. This is a gesture that some moms/stepmoms don't bother to make.
I tried with Eliza because it was just the right thing to do. I figured I had more to gain than to lose. However, I have pulled back since she has retreated as I do not want to force myself on her.
But the door always remains open.
Give it a whirl! Good luck.
El Torito happy hour always works for getting me drunk. I vote for that.
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