first day of school jitters

no, not ramona's.  mine.  tonight is open house.  or parent teacher conferences.  or back to school night.  i keep getting them confused.  tonight... tonight is the night that the four of us get together to back one little girl.  tonight we play nice.  tonight i meet the husband.  tonight we smell the smell of new classroom.  of sharpened pencils and boxes of crayons.  construction paper and glue.  i'm excited.  and nervous.  i'll play nice.  this is kind of a big deal, right?
i haven't been to back to school night since... i think the 6th grade.  will i fit in the tiny chairs?  do they have tiny chairs?  someone suggested happy hour.  before or after?  both?
just kidding.  sorta.  i'm sure it will be fine.  i hope i don't sit there like a mute, as is my normal modus operandi. 



Crys said...

Happy Hour for sure after! he he.
You'll be fine! Especially if all four of you are going to be there. Just try not to think of it as our team against theirs I guess.

Katrina Hazel, Recruitment Hero said...

omg! I am the worst friend ever!! how WAS it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I like you. You are funny and witty. And you'll need both to survive your new life as a step-mother.

I have two step sons. They live out of state with their mom. Long story short - he took her to court; judge says that's cool because she is moving to "better herself".
I. Don't. Get. It. Either.

I just do the best I can and hope and make sure that they know that we love them.

Good luck! You're smart and funny and you will survive and even thrive.


simplicity said...

Where'd your old blog go???
I hope open house night went fine (a month ago!) I can imagine the feelings you went through! Keep sharing...