Six did not stay home from school yesterday. karen took the day off of work to be able to take Six to school and pick her up after school. pete is going to have Six after school today, then for a sleepover tomorrow. no conversations were had yesterday between Six and pete, or Six and grandma.
so i assume the "situation" that has been a situation for about five days is no longer a "situation". and this fire drill was just a fire drill? pete's broken up about it. it was a situation with phone calls all over and it all of a sudden stopped being a big deal. which is confusing, but good. if it's not a big deal anymore, then Six is back to "normal".
i think it has to do with proof. we all need to prove to each other that Six is our focus. karen and pete need to get on the same page, pete and Six need to get on the same page, he has to prove to her that he is indeed not going anywhere, and i have to fit in there somewhere, too. proof takes time. trust takes time. respect takes time, and it's only been a week. so we'll go slow. take little bites.
jill, thank you for your words.
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